Monday, March 21, 2011

The Greeks

Hespasia was a Greek prostitute b ut she was beautiful and unique. She was known to be great at her proffession and was known as egual to all people.
The Athenians gathered at a so called stage to watch plays, games and to hear storied about Greek trajedies.
Agamemdon was murdered by his wife.Oedepis poked out his eyes after he married his own mother. He solved the riddle of the phyx. Its the riddle of how u walk in 3 stages of your life. Hubris is the fatal flaw which was being to big, proud and think you know eveything. Paraklees wanted to have war with Sparta and by suprise, he announces this decision to his people at a meeting. The Athenians never backed down from a fight. But they knew that it was  not going to be easy.

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