Monday, March 14, 2011

The Greeks

508 B.C. in Athens people turned on their rulers demanding freedom.One man looked on named Clystinies, he saw regular people shaking their destinies and governing themselves. Athens was right in the middle of the mediterranean. Reading and writing was a rare skill and people only lived to be 15 years old. Athenians were ruled by aristicrats. Athens didnt have the unity that other civilizations had through out the world. Greece split into a bunch of tiny nations called city-states. One city-state seemed to have all the power called Sparta. People were brought up to be warriors. They had taken control of all the land around them in Clystinies time. The stories  inspired Clystinies and his people. Athena was like a Goddess. Olive trees allow people to have cooking oil and olives and the Athenian olive was the best there was anywhere at the time. Hipias ruled just like his father. Historians tell us that Hipias's brother was murdered.
Crucivles were used to forage metal. It was used to work with really hot metals.

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