Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Greeks

Reading and writing was a rare skill. Life expectancy for the Athenians was 15%. The country was in the hand of a few people. They didn't have any part of anything and had no freedom. Mainline Greece had no river and it was nothing but mountains. It was divided into city states. They had there on beliefs and were ruled by different people. There was 1 military state that had military power. The city was Sparta. There lives was nothing but war and they went into training at about age 6. Spartans were willing to die because death was nothing compared to eating their food. One thing that was sacred to the Greeks were their stories. Bons were people who went around telling stories Greek life. The two story were the Iliad and the Odyssey. They tel about mighty battles and Hero of theur days. They are written in poems called epics. A tyrants seezes contoll over a city. Posiden was like the patriot god of Athens, Athena. Pisistratis was Clethinees' brother in law. He was looking to pass on to his son so he had to look for alies to help protect his city. Olives were a very important economic comodity in Geece.It was used forn oil and it was traded. The vas was Athens first artistic invention and what was inside the pot, was much more important than the pot itself. In 527 bc Pisitratis died and his son Hipias took over. In 514 bc his brother was murderd. Then Hipias went crazy. He killed the murderers and assulted their wives as well. He thought everybody was trying to get him but they weren't. Clethinees went to try to take over his city. Hipias was captured and kicked out of Athens forever and couldn't come back through the city ever again. Clethinees then became the most powerful leader in Athens.

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