Thursday, March 24, 2011

The Greeks- Project

Today in class we discussed the quiz we took on Greece. We were also assigned a topic to research for a project. My topic is Spartan Life and I have to talk about how kids were raised in Sparta and what peoples lives were like. Given that I already know allot about my topic, this project should fairly easy but well done.

Monday, March 21, 2011

The Greeks

Hespasia was a Greek prostitute b ut she was beautiful and unique. She was known to be great at her proffession and was known as egual to all people.
The Athenians gathered at a so called stage to watch plays, games and to hear storied about Greek trajedies.
Agamemdon was murdered by his wife.Oedepis poked out his eyes after he married his own mother. He solved the riddle of the phyx. Its the riddle of how u walk in 3 stages of your life. Hubris is the fatal flaw which was being to big, proud and think you know eveything. Paraklees wanted to have war with Sparta and by suprise, he announces this decision to his people at a meeting. The Athenians never backed down from a fight. But they knew that it was  not going to be easy.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Greeks

Reading and writing was a rare skill. Life expectancy for the Athenians was 15%. The country was in the hand of a few people. They didn't have any part of anything and had no freedom. Mainline Greece had no river and it was nothing but mountains. It was divided into city states. They had there on beliefs and were ruled by different people. There was 1 military state that had military power. The city was Sparta. There lives was nothing but war and they went into training at about age 6. Spartans were willing to die because death was nothing compared to eating their food. One thing that was sacred to the Greeks were their stories. Bons were people who went around telling stories Greek life. The two story were the Iliad and the Odyssey. They tel about mighty battles and Hero of theur days. They are written in poems called epics. A tyrants seezes contoll over a city. Posiden was like the patriot god of Athens, Athena. Pisistratis was Clethinees' brother in law. He was looking to pass on to his son so he had to look for alies to help protect his city. Olives were a very important economic comodity in Geece.It was used forn oil and it was traded. The vas was Athens first artistic invention and what was inside the pot, was much more important than the pot itself. In 527 bc Pisitratis died and his son Hipias took over. In 514 bc his brother was murderd. Then Hipias went crazy. He killed the murderers and assulted their wives as well. He thought everybody was trying to get him but they weren't. Clethinees went to try to take over his city. Hipias was captured and kicked out of Athens forever and couldn't come back through the city ever again. Clethinees then became the most powerful leader in Athens.

Monday, March 14, 2011

The Greeks

508 B.C. in Athens people turned on their rulers demanding freedom.One man looked on named Clystinies, he saw regular people shaking their destinies and governing themselves. Athens was right in the middle of the mediterranean. Reading and writing was a rare skill and people only lived to be 15 years old. Athenians were ruled by aristicrats. Athens didnt have the unity that other civilizations had through out the world. Greece split into a bunch of tiny nations called city-states. One city-state seemed to have all the power called Sparta. People were brought up to be warriors. They had taken control of all the land around them in Clystinies time. The stories  inspired Clystinies and his people. Athena was like a Goddess. Olive trees allow people to have cooking oil and olives and the Athenian olive was the best there was anywhere at the time. Hipias ruled just like his father. Historians tell us that Hipias's brother was murdered.
Crucivles were used to forage metal. It was used to work with really hot metals.

Friday, March 4, 2011

What Eqypt has become!

Tourism ( who wouldnt want to see the pyramids?)
oil, natural gas, manufaturing

agriculture- making the most of their limited arable land (3%)
  • cotton, corn, rice, wheat, fava beans
the old pattern of dealing with the Nile[ akhat ( inudation), peret ( land emerges from the flood), and shomu (water in short)] has been changed since the 1970s.

Lake Naser is a man made lake behind Eqypt's great dam. It use to be land and now it is covered by 50 feet of water.
Only 3% of their land is arable.
70 million people in Egypt- biggest population of Middle Eastern nations, third biggest African Country.
cairo; 6.7 million
NYC; 8.3 milliion
Official language; Arabic( English,French, and German are also taught to some)
Religion; around 90% Muslim, most of the rest are Christian ( Coptic), but there are major conflicts ( Egypt is 12th in religious violence, 5th worst for religious freedon). The Muslims usually beat down the christian.
Whatr is a population density map? - Egyptian national anthem!
1922- end of protectorate with the United Kingdom
1953- Egypt declared a republic
1954- 1970- ruled by Gamal Nasser
  • nationalizes the Suez Canal
  • forms allegience with Soviet Union
1970- 1981- ruled by Anwar Sadat
  • swithches allegience to the United States
  • attacked Isreal over Sinai Peninsula, but later made peace
  • Sadat assassinated in 1981
1981- 2011- ruled by Hosni Mubarak
  • kept allience w/ Us ( helped in the Iraq War)
  • accused of corruption, political persecution, human rights violations
  • driven from office following mass demonstrations last month.
Egypt currently ruled by military junta, but democratic elections scheduled for September 2011.

Some want Mubarak arrested and tried for embezzling from the government. Our friend Sarah & other Egyptians say he may have stolen $50 billion- still huge amount.

Revolution is in the air ( to varying degrees) throughout the middle east and northern africa;
  • Tunisia, YEmen, Algeria, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Syri...
  • ... and Libya
Libya has been ruled by Muammer Gaddafi since 1969
  • he is violently opposing Libya's uprising
  • Libya may descend into full civil war
  • the east is controlled by rebels, but he still holds the capital (Tripoli)- so far

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Egypt Class Discussion

  • Daily Life
  • Pharoahs
  • Godess & Creaters
Egypt is centered in the Nile River.
It floods every July.
Managing the river required technological breakthroughs in irrigation.
A recumbent lion with a human's head.
Oldest monumental statue in thw world.
Slaves and servants worked the hardest on the pyramid. They help the wealthy.
The farmers raise crops for food.
The artisans made things to remember history. They draw wars and pyramids of their time.The money system was used- merchants might accept bags of grain for payment. Describe records for military and finance.