Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Rome... Class Discussion!

Today in class we had to read a short story/discription of Rome called The Roman Republic. This description tells us about Romes economy, clothing and other interesting facts about Rome. After we finished reading, we had to define words , identify cities, and answer question about the text.
Define: Republic- a political unit that is not ruled by a monarch and in which citizens with the right to vote choose there leaders.
Gravitas- weightiness or seriousness
Toga- the type of clothing the Romans wore. It was worn in the summer and winter and it was very uncomfortable and clumsy.
Patrician- they were special privileged families
Plebeian- the common farmers, artisans and merchants
Pater Familias- 'the father of the family"
Legion- a massive military unit
Italy- which is shaped like a high heeled boot. The Italian peninsula is near the midpoint of the Mediterranean. The land is very mountainous and the country was rolling, wooded, fertile
Rome- it's midway in the Alps and Italy's southern tip. Rom occupies an ideal position from which to send out ships and armies in all directions. Romulus was part of an ancient Roman myth. He was the one who stated Rome after he struck his brother and killed him
Palatine Hill- the hill that Romulus chose for his new city. After he killed his brother, Palatine Hill became Athens
Alps- the Alps are located on the Eastern side of Rome
Tiber River- a river that the king put Romulus and his brother Remus in when they were just babies because he feared they would become to powerful
#1: Geography was important to Rome because Italy is right in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea, so  it was used as a trading place. It was also right on the shore and that was important because they could then see oncoming threats from the sea against them.
#2 These groups were important to Roman Development because;
-Latins just wandered throughout Rome. They lived simple lives and wasn't considered a city.
- Greeks established 50 colonies on the southern part of Italy.
-The Etruscans were civilized people and had their own writing system.
#3 Rome was once ruled by a king in which no people had power to vote for him until the government gave them there rights to vote for a leader.
#4 Roman households very were well kept and was respected by everyone in the family. The fathers were the most respected in the family and the women were in charge of the daily things and making food.
#5 Roman army effected society because all men were required to join the army.

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