Thursday, February 10, 2011

Papua New Guinie Essay

Kamau Stokes
Febuary 10,2011
Western Civ. Test

                              Jared Diamond's theory of geographic luck was certainly true according to the evidence in the move. Jared Diamond stated that many civilizations are huge and are doing well because of the natural resources and domestice animals they had to grow their population. Many civilization didn't eat healthy, did't have enough food and didn't have animals to help them farm. Those people had to farm and plow all by themselves and had to keep moving everytime they fell into a slump with their enviornment. New Guinie struggled with many things and one of the hardest things were making tools for farming. They were not able to support their metal workers with food to trade for tools to farm because of the shortage of crops and animals.
                              Jared Diamond mentioned an area in the middle east called the fertile cresent. The fertile cresent was known to be the worlds first real civilization, where we transitioned from from being animals to real humans. People in the fertile cresent made the worlds first grannery and started caring about their health. The people of the fertile land later reached egypt and made the civilization huge and they were able to feed everyday and later were forced to build pyramids, and the same thing for Europe. Farming wouldn't be here if it wasn't for the people of the fertile cresent spreading their farming actions with the world.
                              There are 14 animals that helped many people farm and make life easier. The 14 domestic animals are  goatees, sheep, pigs, calf's, horses, donkeys, 2 kinds of camels, lamas, rain deer, yaks, mithans, water buffalo, and bali cattle. All of these animals helped in many ways such as farming, drinking and supplying meat and clothes for them during the winter.

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