Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Class Discussion

Today in class, we took notes for our quiz that we will be taking tomorrow, May 18th. The quiz will be on the Roman Republic and the Roman Empire. But the thing that I am mostly studying is the Essay Question. It will be about the difference between the Roman Republic and The Roman Empire.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Class Discussion

Today in class, for the first time in the entire school year, we took notes on paper! (Laughing)! We took notes on The Roman Empire. The Roman Empire used to be called the Roman Republic. It changed by the year 14 after Octavian who later became known as Augustus. He changed his name because Augustus meant the great and Octavian earned his greatness.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Class Discussion

Today in class we discussed the Greece test that we took about a week ago. I did well on the test and ended up getting an 80%. The test was very fair and somewhat easy. Some of the questions on that quiz will be on the final Exam which is about 3 weeks from now!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Test Notes on Rome

The Gracchus brothers:
  • The two Gracchus brother were plebeians.
  • They proposed that the government was not being fair by taking away the farmers land.
  • The leaders of the plebeians killed both of the brothers even though they were on each others side.
  • The patricians spread rumors about the brothers that led to them being killed.
Julius Caesar:
  • On march 15 Julius Caesar was assassinated.
  • He was killed in the theater of Pompey.
  • He was stabbed in the chest 23 times.
  • The Senate was worried that Caesar would overthrow them in favor of Tyranny.
  • Over 60 people were involved in it.
  • His last words were Et Tu Brute? Shakespeare actually put it in the play to make it more interesting and we don't actually know if those were his exact words.
Marcus Brutus
  • His mother was one of Caesars mistresses.
  • Octavian was Caesars adopted sun.
  • He was trying to kill the Senate after they Killed Caesar.
  • More than 100 senators and 2000 businessmen were sent to be killed.
  • Cicero was killed.
  • He was the senate's greatest orator.
  • He wasn't plotted to kill Caesar but he talked in defense of the people who killed him.
  • Octavian and Mark Antony were working together but later started fighting with each other.
  • He was given the tittle Augustus.
The test is tomorrow! Study hard!
Gaius Longinus:
  •  He helped assassinate Caesar.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Class Discussion

Today in class we started working on our class projects that are about Mr. Schick's rap with our partners. We were assigned a paragraph in the rap and research different topics in the rap. My partner is Taylor and her main job is to find information and give the information to me so I can type it on our PowerPoint, as well as the information that I collect. I am the designer in the group and my job is to make the PowerPoint look great. Today we started off researching Julius Caesar and sofar the PowerPoint looks great and the information that Taylor gave me was right on point. We will continue to make progress on our project and work hard to achieve an A!