Monday, January 31, 2011

Paragraph on 1/31/11 Class Lesson

Kamau Stokes
Western Civilization
January 31, 2011
Life In The Open
                            Life in the open is hard for many people in different countries. From the forest of Nu Ginni to the middle east many people don't have the crops and proper storage for food. They have learned how to survive with the things surrounding them. Many small villages have people called hunter gatherers and they bust their butts to get up everyday and search for eatable food for themselves and their village in order to survive. Whereas people like us don't have to find food because it is already there for us. In the rain forest of Nu Ginni, they have a tree called wild Sago and in that tree the people of Nu Ginni found out that they could make eatable dough out of the inside of the tree. In some parts of the world a better food source than Sago is Barley and Wheat because of the nutrition. After the Ice Age many of these people had to migrate to different land because the food supply had gone down in the middle east. Nu Ginni had the hardest time of all because when you are growing Sago you have to plant 1 at a time instead of just throwing seeds into the ground, watering them then just watching them grow allot.
                             About 11 thousand years ago there used to be a small village that was found berried under Draa, which is an area located near the Dead Sea, where scientist found which looked to be the worlds first granary. The granary that was created was to store food and protect the food from animals, and minerals that might be blown in from the wind. That is when we first really started being human beings rather than just humans who didn't care what was on our food and where we laid it or trying to figure out where to store the food they have left over. Sooner or later some of the people found out that in some places they could control the growth of their crops. They realized that they didn't need to keep hunting for food and constantly move in order to find what they needed to survive.

                             They first farmers in the world were from the middle east. The second farmers were from China were they inherited the growth of corn. Then Africa came into the picture, growing many different crops for food.

Class Discussions

Hunter Gatherers- You wake up every morning and hunt or search for eatable food to survive.
Wild Sago- One of the most famous source of food in the world. There were barley and wheat which is far more nutritious than sago. Many in the middle east had to migrate to other land in order to find food because of the ice age in the middle east.
Draa' is another name for an area by the Dead Sea. They area looked to be an old village 11 and 1/2 thousand years ago. The village had what you can call the worlds first granary. That is when we first really started being human beings instead of not caring about were you put your food and how to make storage for your food. They finally found out that they could plant and control they growth of food for themselves. They realized that they didn't need to hunt and constantly move from place to place in search of food.
They first farmers in the world were from the middle east and they were changing the growth of food without realizing it. China was the second generation of farming and they grew corn. Africa was next and they farmed many different crops. Spiders are can help supplement your diet. Many people can not store food for a long time, so there is allot more work than everybody else. For example, everybody else can throw down seeds and watch their crops grow but for the people in Nu Ginni have to plant 1 by 1 because of the crops they have. Some countries don;t have domesticated plants so they have to be careful about what they eat and they crops they store.

Monday, January 24, 2011

A Have & A Have Not

Many people can be split up into A HAVE  & A HAVE NOT. I am a have because I am supplied with all the resources I need to survive in the world. Many people in foreign countries are struggling but they do what they have to do in order for them to live. They have been taught to make a shelter for themselves in certain areas and make food for themselves. They don't know how to do the things that we can do and that doesn't mean that they aren't as smart as us. If we were in their position, we wouldn't know what to do because we haven't been taught to do the thing that are essential to their everyday life.